Saturday, April 14, 2012

Fury WW Uber Runner Questions

[:1]Hi All:

I made my WW Druid strictly because I loved the build when I originally played in 01. I'm very happy to see it can effectively run ubers.

I've read over Bjax thread many times. The one thing he does not account for (mainly due to the title of his thread) is Druids that use a Weap/Shield. IE: Stormlash/Stormshield soon to be Last Wish/Stormshield. With this combination, I am curious about attaining max block rather than tons of vita.

Couple Thoughts: The Dex needed for max block is a large boost in AR. When fighting the Uber Trio my % to hit is around 75 with ~16000AR, that is currently WITH Max Block.

Secondly, I am not 100% sure WW's can block (I don't play with sound).

I am curious what the consensus is. I understand my Vita will get a bonus from Lycan and Spirit, but Spirit barely stays alive during Ubers.

My current stats at 85 are (including stat buffs etc):

Str: 186

Dex: 206

Vita: Rest

Energy: Base


Weap: 11-312 Stormlash

Shield: Stormshield

Head: Jalal's Mane 192ED

Chest: CoH

Hands: Dracoul's 10/12

Belt: Verdungo's

Ring: Ravenfrost x2

Boots: Goreriders 195ED

My resists are a little low - need to socket Jalal's and probably Stormshield.

Please let me know any thoughts you have. Looking to improve efficiency on him.|||do you have trech for pre buff? that along with um in the jalal's and pdiamond in the storm sheild should help a TON.

to slove the ar problem when i was running a ripcracker uber build, i would have 2 max ar ravenfrost, a high ar metalgrid, and i'd prebuff with a demon limb. it worked for me, but i still had a hard time staying alive.

personally i've never even tried to use a one handed weapon build on a druid to do ubers with.|||Last Wish has no on-weapon IAS so it's going to be terribly slow. I'd swap dungo for T-gods (at least when entering Trist itself) and probably prebuff with Treachery/LW.

Wolves can block of course, but have better FHR frames than they have blocking speed. With their lack of defense and interruptable attack block-lock can be a problem, especially in uber-land where your merc and summons won't last long and therefore can't take hits for you. Interrupting Fury is also a massive pain since you miss sequential hits in the sequence. Oak aside, wolves still get a load of HP per vit spent, and you can still go shielded with relatively little block while still keeping the res/DR% from SS.

That being said, I play exclusive with 2-handers on WW so these 'issues' might be not as bad when you actually try...|||Quote:

do you have trech for pre buff? that along with um in the jalal's and pdiamond in the storm sheild should help a TON.

to slove the ar problem when i was running a ripcracker uber build, i would have 2 max ar ravenfrost, a high ar metalgrid, and i'd prebuff with a demon limb. it worked for me, but i still had a hard time staying alive.

personally i've never even tried to use a one handed weapon build on a druid to do ubers with.

I do not have Trech for pre-buff, but may invest in that.

Have been thinking about putting UM and PDia into their respective pieces just need to run Larzuk.

I seem to have minimal issues with mini-Ubers and even Uber D is pretty easy with the build. When I get to Uber Meph and Uber Baal though it's a different story and for two different reasons.

Meph, it's because of leeching from Undead. Lifetap goes off, so Meph is a little easier but if Lifetap falls Im finished.

Baal, I don't think I could solo him, because of his mana burn and specters. They destroy mana. I may try 2 columns of health 2 columns of mana for him next time but it almost seems like I need all 4 columns mana, and in that case, I run into a similar problem with no leech on undead specters.


Last Wish has no on-weapon IAS so it's going to be terribly slow. I'd swap dungo for T-gods (at least when entering Trist itself) and probably prebuff with Treachery/LW.

Wolves can block of course, but have better FHR frames than they have blocking speed. With their lack of defense and interruptable attack block-lock can be a problem, especially in uber-land where your merc and summons won't last long and therefore can't take hits for you. Interrupting Fury is also a massive pain since you miss sequential hits in the sequence. Oak aside, wolves still get a load of HP per vit spent, and you can still go shielded with relatively little block while still keeping the res/DR% from SS.

That being said, I play exclusive with 2-handers on WW so these 'issues' might be not as bad when you actually try...

I thought I remember reading something (on the forum) about Last Wish being the "end-all 1H" for Fury WW Druids, maybe I miss-read. Would using a different runeword put me a better shape, something like Beast or Grief? The reason I was looking at Last Wish was because of the high CB which I know is incredibly good early on for uber bosses. Also the prevent monster heal is quite nice because there were times while I was attacking them (maybe hitting maybe not) when they healed. Please correct me if I am wrong and point me in the right direction.

My minion (Spirit - Oak) I don't even bother summoning due to the quickness in which it dies. I have it up when I first enter, but don't bother resummoning. I though about possibly going with the Grizzly, but you think the Wolves would end up being more beneficial?

Merc wise, I currently am without, was thinking about using an A1 Merc for the range (hoping it won't die immediately) and putting Faith Bow on her for high level Fant. Would I be better off with another merc?

Thanks for bringing up Last Wish, I'm going to do some more research and see if that'll end up being the best. Let me know any other tips you can give.

One last thing: I have a Ribcracker - I used it in 1 run of Tris (did a few yesterday due to many deaths) and wow I dropped 10000x quicker than with Stormlash / Stormshield. Maybe it was an unlucky attempt, maybe it was because I could have had ~100+ points invested into Vita rather than dex if I was full Ribcracker, but it seems like the damage is much lower than the stormlash even.|||Prevent monster heal does not works.

I think that "Sanctuary" is better then Stormshield.

One more what I would change is 1 raven for ml ring - when you have any Pit Lord next to Uber you can leach enough mana.|||is the ripcracker upped, with a sheal or zod in it? that could be a few reasons why it wasn't dropping things quickly. if i remember correctly ripcracker can do up to 4k damage|||Shuy: I agree with the ring, just need to find a decent rare one. Would love to find an AR/LL/ML/Res Ring, I know it'd be rare, but if I could it'd be awesome! I'll look into Sanctuary, SS has a lot of Defense which is nice. I did take a quick glance though and it looks nice!

Shauk:It's a normal Ribcracker, I haven't upped it or put a socket in it, the last time I upped something it seemed to have a negative affect so was kind of timid. Either way the 1H works pretty well, I'm just curious now what to setup for the 1H Weap.

I have 4x options I guess if Last Wish isn't really the "end-all" for 1H WW. Looking at Beast, BotD, Last Wish, Grief. Or maybe just stay with the Stormlash - even though the damage seems a little low (at 3.2K with 30 skills in SS).|||Quote:

is the ripcracker upped, with a sheal or zod in it? that could be a few reasons why it wasn't dropping things quickly. if i remember correctly ripcracker can do up to 4k damage

by this i mean upped by the way.

zod is for if it's eth an sheal if it's not eth|||If your going 1 handed stormlash is a decent option , grief pb is the hardest hitting 1 hander . Ebotdz is a nice option to I've done ubers with my pvp wolf useing ebotdz storm forti gores giully prebuff with treachery but my scs where 20/5s and my wolf had 9.4k life when he did it also used dracs for life tap hope that helps|||Prevent Monster Heal doesn't work on the ubers. A poison charms (dmg over 5 secs or whatever) plus the Open Wounds from Gores works fine.

Keep Stormlash if it performs well enough for you. You need to either have CB on the weap or drop Jalal's for Guillaume's Face as Hartside did. Otherwise you can keep Jalal's and use Grief PB and SS generally, and keep an upped/Shael Ribby on switch to use against the ubers.

Ribby gets about 4 times more damage when you up it so I'd try that first.

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