Monday, April 16, 2012

Is eth tomb really all its cracked up to be?

On my fury/rabies hybrid, I am borrowing a friend of mine's eth tomb (hopefully he'll let me keep it). And I started thinking about that one socket the zod is in. Lets take a regular tomb. It has 33% less damage than an eth tombreaver, or the eth tombreaver has 50% more damage than a regular one. Now in a regular tombreaver, in that extra socket, you could put in a 40/15 jewel. That would let you hit 1 higher breakpoint than in an eth tombreaver with 2x 40/15 jewels and a zod rune. Already you are doing more damge than an eth tombreaver with 1 zod, 2 shael runes, at the same ias frames. You are sacraficing 10 ed on the weapon damage for an additional frame rate. Wouldn't, after a while, the frames catch up to the damage, increasing the total output?

Or am I just doing my math wrong :undecided: .|||You're doing the math wrong.

The ethereal bonus isn't the same as +%ED. It comes before all other +%ED calculations and the ethereal bonus itself is multiplied by %ED.

So for example a normal 100 damage weapon with 200%ED would be:

100 x 3.00 = 300

The same weapon with the ethereal bonus would be:

100 x 1.50 = 150

150 x 3.00 = 450|||here are to pic to show what azn is talking about

both are the same weap cept one is eth and other one isnt

not eth


yes they both have zods:P

was just to can see how eth=insane base dmg %

300 top end dmg is a very big deal|||No, Eth Tomb Reaver is *NOT* all that it's cracked up to be, although it's much better than its non-eth counterpart.

A Shael'd Ribcracker or a Shael'd Windhammer will both kill faster than an Ethereal Tomb Reaver, and they're like fifty times cheaper, too (and not 99% certain to be duped).|||I dunno, I don't think that's really true... when it comes down to raw damage & speed, eTomb sorta kills both of those choices if were talking vs monsters/pvp.

maybe... kills ubers faster? explain it to me...I'm not a big windhammer fan though, I think it takes up too much strength and is far weaker than the cheapest ebotd. I'd prolly take IK wolf over that, but that's just me|||For ubers I know that a ribby will kill quicker. That cb works wonders on them.

However, I am talking about pvp, and those resist and ias mods are too juicy to let up :laugh: .|||If you see the items separately then upgraded ribby with its nice damage and cb tops TR. But if you try to get the best out of the rest of your gear by using the likes of fortitude,highlord's,gores ,or guillaume's even,then you can get similar raw damage outputs from both of the weapons. Ribby setup will have more crushing blow but tomb reaver will have the speed advantage (6fpa to 4fpa). In my book etomb reaver is the better of the two,even in tristram where resists are handy.|||Quote:

No, Eth Tomb Reaver is *NOT* all that it's cracked up to be, although it's much better than its non-eth counterpart.

A Shael'd Ribcracker or a Shael'd Windhammer will both kill faster than an Ethereal Tomb Reaver, and they're like fifty times cheaper, too (and not 99% certain to be duped).

those are both decent weapons

but dont even come close to eth tomb reaver

reasons to use tomb?

#1 range 4

#2 4 frame fury(not sure on what rabies frame it hits..sure its fast though:P)

#3 stacked res


225 str to use a windhammer..i think i'll pass on that

sry but i would use a ebotdz over this anyday.

range on this weapon is 3

5 frame weapon

ribcracker..a nice pvm weapon for building your character/and ubering

range 2...not gonna cut it

5frame weapon again.

bottom line is eth tomb or even a regular non eth tomb is tons better then both of those weapons.

for pure caster killing..nothing comes close.|||Quote:

A Shael'd Ribcracker or a Shael'd Windhammer will both kill faster than an Ethereal Tomb Reaver, and they're like fifty times cheaper, too (and not 99% certain to be duped).

You weight the crushing blow too heavily. It looks like you're assuming that the etomb-user has no crushing blow. In high players games, the crushing blow does shine, but when the etomb-user has gface and gores (50% crushing blow), it evens out the playing field. When those aspects are more or less equal, the physical dmg of etomb is 3x that of the Ribby/Windhammer player and leaves them in the dust.

For PvP, no 2-hand weapon comes close to the power that is an etomb.|||EBotDGPA is more consistent.

Also, Ribby > All PvM. I'd rather have my helm be free then use Guil. Jalals fills so many gaps too nicely.

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