Thursday, April 12, 2012

Gris Caddy question

[:1]I don't seem to see much talk about a Gris Caddy on these forums, and I'm curious to know if they are worth using? I tend to see ebotd or grief talked about. Is the caddy's 4 frame attack not equal to the runewords? Any reasons why you guys do prefer the caddy or not? I'm really considering building a wolf for the first time in probably 6 years, and I do love that caddy; so please, let me know your thoughts on it! Thanks!|||The main use I see for a gris caddy in terms of druids would be for use on a fireclaws bear, and only the 4 socket variety is prefered. People use the gris caddy so that they can reach one of the lower breakpoints while still adding an element of physical damage in their attack rather than using a plain shael'd phase blade. In most other cases the benefits of using other runewords for their large amount of added mods in comparison is sometimes just too hard to match for something with its speed and 4 sockets being its main attraction. If I remember right there was a thread a while back comparing weapons and the last breakpoint they could reach and a high grief was comprable in speed and since rune drops were increased the choice is pretty much made for you.

If your making a wolf druid (especially fury) though, I've seen on this forum multiple times and its pretty much hands down the best choice is an up'd shael'd ribcracker for its amazing speed and substantial crushing blow and its easy to get a hold of as well.|||Even if you socket it with 3x40/15 and Ohm it does less than half what Grief does, while it's only around 30% faster (ito hits per time). An eBotD GPA is slightly faster than Grief but does more than 3 times than the pimped-out Caddy... so ito the numbers, at least, it's pretty far behind.

*This is on a Fury wolf BTW.|||stick it on a bear sorc.|||I prefer caddy over many weapons as a bear; the speed is very reliable for FHR lock with your attack rating and it does have higher base damage to multiply from than shael'd Phase Blade variations.

I would only use this weapon on a bear because Werebear lacks an IAS boost, although it is viable on any Fire Claws druid.|||would the extra speed coupled with deadly strike and crushing blow still not hold it own against ebotd or grief for fury?

And, is the physical dmg of caddy actually decent on fireclaws?|||Quote:

would the extra speed coupled with deadly strike and crushing blow still not hold it own against ebotd or grief for fury?

And, is the physical dmg of caddy actually decent on fireclaws?

For an IAS-Socketed Weapon, Gris Caddy has the highest base damage (way higher than Phase Blade). The best part about it is that you only need two Shael Runes; the other open sockets can be fit with two 15 IAS/*other stat* jewels, making it very versatile for choices as to what you can add to it considering it already has 240% Enhanced Damage on it when perfect.|||On a fireclaws bear your physical damage is going to be pretty much minimal since the only thing applying increased damage would be your str stats and the bonuses from bear form. So even with a gris caddy your physical damage would be negligable in comparison to your fire damage output, but it does help with the fire immunes, even if just slightly. When talking about coupling deadly strke with a gris caddy, why not couple deadly strike with a grief or ebotd, I think that would be the main arguement against using a gris for that reason. The crushing blow however is a set amount of the target's health so that would not necessarily make a difference what weapon you use.

Overall though the main arguement between the weapon choices is the damage per second. Even though the other runewords may or may not be slower than a gris caddy their damage is so much higher it is hard to match it.|||I have such a soft spot for that caddy, so I'm trying to find where it could be used. I wouldn't use it on a fireclaw bear because I prefer 6 soccet pb with 20 ias/resist jewels.

I have never used a grief, but I can definitely appreciate it.|||Ebotdz grief pb both hit harder than caddy I've got caddy and ebotdz on east , and I do alot of wolf vs wolf duels and caddy is bad ebotdz blows it out of the water even on crushing blow biulds sorry to be as negative ( I wanted caddy to do well when I got one )

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