Saturday, April 14, 2012

Best weapon for Mauler Tank?

[:1]Few days ago I opened this topic but a separated weapon discussion is requied in my opinion. I haven't even found an up to date mauler guide, and the only one I found here isn't even close to my thoughts

I run through some of the weapon choices but tried only the BotD and Grief rune words and I can not decide weather to block or not. I know this topic is about weapons but the choice of blocking determinates 1h or 2h weapon to use.

With 75% blocking (and 86% FHR) I ended up blocking constantly and wasn't able to hit. Literally. Grouped with 10-15 mobs made attacking literally impossible. Even the 7fpa wasn't enough. I tried grief pb and it could kill fast (although the dmg screen showed only 1k dmg max charged with 300%ed from Forti) but again, blocking made me block 100% of the time. I dont know how FHR or FBR connects or how can I lower this rate. it was terrible.

2H competitors sortbed by dmg (from highest to lowest)

eBotD Thunder Maul 12fpa base 5%IAS 11fps 35%IAS 10fpa

eBotD Great Poleaxe 8fpa base 30%IAS 7fpa

eBotD Giant Tresher 7fpa base 70%IAS 6fpa

No FHR animation occured, constant attack with HUGE numbers. I mean HUGE numbers like 10k+ with Forti and max charged. So what am I missing? I cant really think of any other weapons around. 1h weapons can't really be used with the constant blocking and other 2h uniques lacking either leech or IAS.|||you have two crowd control skills --> shockwaves and ravens. this should solved any problem with mobs. also you can get holy freeze merc...|||Quote:

you have two crowd control skills --> shockwaves and ravens. this should solved any problem with mobs. also you can get holy freeze merc...

Casting shockweave is the same as attacking in crowd. I was unable to. This was the first thing came into my mind, but with a meele character (zero FCR) this was chanceless. Also I was thinking of a defiance aura merc because bigged defense means less hit means less FHR animation.|||you got wrong tactical aproach. first shockwave then go hit somebody not waiting to be swarmed and trying to get out of the situation|||Quote:

Casting shockweave is the same as attacking in crowd. I was unable to. This was the first thing came into my mind, but with a meele character (zero FCR) this was chanceless. Also I was thinking of a defiance aura merc because bigged defense means less hit means less FHR animation.

You should never get mobbed because you use shockwave as soon as you see critters, not wait until they surround you then try to cast it.|||Bears are slow blockers. Don't use a shield. Use a Might merc. Use shockwave preemptively and renew it during the battle as needed. Don't pump shockwave any higher than necessary to get 10 seconds stun. The lying character screen goes higher but 10 seconds is the maximum for stun.|||3 shael Tomb Reaver >>> all in my personal experience. 5fpa, great defence, great crowd control, that character is deadly.|||Lol. Why hasn't anyone mentioned upped ribcracker?|||I guess that you use Jalal. Maybe should consider Delirium.|||I gotta remember back now, but I remember Windhammer being really good in hell, the crushing blow really makes a difference when you get into Hell. And extra props if you can get an ethereal with 'Zod' (Titan ftw!). Immortal King (Town Dump Guide) works well PvM too.

For dueling, 2-Hand there's only one good option and that's Tombreaver with at least 2 ias/40ed jewels to hit maximum speed. 1-Hand, I found jeweled gris caddy to be a better melee weap than ebotd/grief back in the day, it was all about speed for landing consecutive stun than anything.

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