Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wind druid: Oak Sage or Grizzly as point dump?

[:1]Hey there, I finally gathered gear for my wind-druid, and he is destroying everything in PvM so far.

I've already maxed

Cyclone armor,



and Hurricane.

So where do I dump the rest of my skill points? So-far i've got one point in Grizzly bear as well as the prereqs of course, and then I just dumped points in oaksage. My bear is level 16 with gear on, and so far he tanks most of the stuff I encounter.

Are there other options than the two I mentioned? Those are the only I would really think can help me out, but perhaps you've got another idea?

Any advice is welcomed. |||Your Grizzly won't need more HP (so no Dire Wolf), and although its damage when maxed should (depending on skillers) be greater than Tornado's, I don't think its worth it. If Oak dies on you so often that its life bonus isn't particularly useful in tough situations, then yes, but I doubt that's the case.

Depending on which bulb is generally emptier after an encounter, a point in the mana/life Vines can be useful.|||Yo!

Where to dump the rest of your skill points? Not in Oak Sage, because if you aren't in hardcore, you won't need too much life.

Contrary to Hubb, since this is PVM, i suggest Grizzly just to pump your DPS and his tankin' ability, or Spirit/Dire Wolves if you need more crowd control.

Get an Act 2 Might Mercenary with a Reaper Tool or a Tomb Reaver and all of these puppies will benefit from it! And not only them, but your Tornado damage also thanks to Decrepify.

But i agree that a point in Carrion Vine and/or Solar Creeper is worth it. |||Already got a merc with Reaper's Toll, great vs everything, and especially phys. immunes

I'm often in need of mana, so I'll probably get a point in the solar creeper, but I'm wondering if it really survives by itself on hell?

Thanks for the advice, haven't really thought of the worms. :P|||Great!

Oh, the Solar Creeper have more HP than the other Vines, but he will surely die in hell with just 1 point. But since with just 1 point you have a level 16 Grizzly, i think a level 16 Solar Creeper won't need anymore points to survive most of the situations.

And if he die, just recast the weakling! Or drink a mana potion if it's a bad moment.|||Ye, the vines generally don't last too long but are still very handy.

I think the Grizzly's attack speed keeps it from really contributing to DPS, but I guess if you've got a CtA then Oak becomes less important.|||Not OAK, waste of points.|||Windy teleports into montsters and flings nado's.

Oak will die in an instant doing this.

Griz will block and help - and you should have about 10pts to drop on him in no time with only 81pts spent=lvl 26 Griz/big helper

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