Saturday, April 14, 2012

Question about Fire Druids and Rainbow Facet Jewels

[:1]Hello All,

Just a quick question. Does anyone know if 'switching' works with fire druids. I played a rabies druid before and I know that it is helpful to have a switch that gives you +poison damage/ - poison resists. Is this the same for fire druids? If I cast fissure, or whatever, and then switch to a set up with +damage/-resists would it have the same effect as the rabies switch?

Thanks.|||I wish it did. But rabies is unique with that characteristic.|||Oh, that sucks! Thanks for the quick response Orion.

So, do fire druids use rainbow facets at all?|||For a pure fire druid use a 5 frame per second or 4 frame per second beatstick.

Put Infinity on Merc for -85% to monster resist.

Most folks use a 6 socket phase blade with 5 shael and one 15ias/15resist ect setup. Some use Griz Caucadeus( 4 socket) with 3 shael and one 40/15.

I made one and I used a BOTD Phase Blade for 5 frame attack with 15 oias. Kind of a different solution but I liked the mods on Botd and it used less dex(-20 req), 30 to all attributes, and life leech. I made that one some time ago. Liked it.

Putting a 5/5 fire facet or 2 helps in Jalal/ Shield. But it's better to use infinity for a fire only druid. Making sure you have some CB- crushing blow if fireclaw only.

There is a good build example in the stickies. I mostly went by that. Take a look. Superjayson's example is good - see if you have any of the same equipment you can use. Read it and give it a shot. The HC Fire druid example is good too. Try to come close.|||Quote:

For a pure fire druid use a 5 frame per second or 4 frame per second beatstick.

He isn't talking about Fire Claws.


If I cast fissure, or whatever, and then switch to a set up with +damage/-resists would it have the same effect as the rabies switch?

The -resist would work yes.|||As I understand - Only rabies does that enduring effect. I don't think that it works with the elemental damage.

Fury/Rabies druid is the only char I ever used the -resist Wep/Shield switch with. But let me know if it works with others.|||It doesn't. Rabies is the exception due to how it calculates it's damage.|||Quote:

It doesn't. Rabies is the exception due to how it calculates it's damage.


Switching to -res gear works with any spell that doesn't apply its damage instantly at the moment of casting.|||Really? I know switch trick doesn't work for the likes of Poison Jav unless you switch before the javelin hits. Which spells can you pull a switch trick with?|||Quote:

Really? I know switch trick doesn't work for the likes of Poison Jav unless you switch before the javelin hits.

Yea sure you have to switch before damage is applied.


Which spells can you pull a switch trick with?

Anything that gives you enough time between casting and damage application. Of course it's not very practical for non-timered spells. For something like a Fire Druid though it could help some what.

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