Thursday, April 12, 2012

Octogenarian Fire Claws/Shock Summoner first PvP video


This is just a test of my software; I'll be posting videos soon of myself vs all classes but I figured I'd put something up :P

Also here's the link if the video doesn't play here:|||that was. fun to watch. lol|||Quote:

that was. fun to watch. lol

lolwut, sweet!|||Town guarding and BM exchanges? If only you had terrible music to accompany it...Wait. You've thought of everything.

Seriously though, for your next set of vids, I'd cherry-pick the good duels that highlight the character's effectiveness in 1v1 duels where the opponents are geared and ready. Less Shockwave spamming on the bridge, more telestomps/quick shifts/etc for true pwnage.|||What the above said. Some "g" duels taking in to account Boners, Barbs, Sins, Palas... But looked fun enough this way, I might respec boring Windy to this.|||Quote:

Town guarding and BM exchanges? If only you had terrible music to accompany it...Wait. You've thought of everything.

Seriously though, for your next set of vids, I'd cherry-pick the good duels that highlight the character's effectiveness in 1v1 duels where the opponents are geared and ready. Less Shockwave spamming on the bridge, more telestomps/quick shifts/etc for true pwnage.

Kid the video description clearly states the intention and contents clearly; it sounds to me like you made it halfway through the video, there's some good fights near the end.

This is just a test video, as stated in both the post here and on the video itself; if you can't read that another video containing 1v1 on all classes is in the making that is your business. Thanks for the insight though, and I really appreciate your opinion about the music I put on it; you must listen to Breaking Benjamin.|||When a guide detailing a new PvP character sits on the topmost thread of the front page and a companion thread is then made by the guide creator that promises a PvP video, I don�t see how I had to make any leap at all as to what I would be viewing.

So I feel there is no need for that level of condescension or to call my reading comprehension into question. When I click on a thread that includes "PvP Video" in the title, I expect to see a PvP video. It�s just that simple. Instead, what I got was town guarding, naked PKs, gold stealing, insulting other players, and an occasional duel thrown in to break up the monotony of pure BM. If your thread title (or even the Youtube video title) had said, �Everything that�s wrong with Public PvP� or something similar, I would have known what to expect, and it could have been avoided completely, OR maybe I could have clicked on it with a completely different mindset and potentially enjoyed it. Also, test video ≠ can only show BM PK duels.

Music taste is obviously pretty subjective, but I�d at least offer a �NSFW� preface to any video that contained a music selection where the f-bombs started dropping at the 7 second mark and continued at regular intervals for another three minutes.|||Quote:

When a guide detailing a new PvP character sits on the topmost thread of the front page and a companion thread is then made by the guide creator that promises a PvP video, I don’t see how I had to make any leap at all as to what I would be viewing.

So I feel there is no need for that level of condescension or to call my reading comprehension into question. When I click on a thread that includes "PvP Video" in the title, I expect to see a PvP video. It’s just that simple. Instead, what I got was town guarding, naked PKs, gold stealing, insulting other players, and an occasional duel thrown in to break up the monotony of pure BM. If your thread title (or even the Youtube video title) had said, “Everything that’s wrong with Public PvP” or something similar, I would have known what to expect, and it could have been avoided completely, OR maybe I could have clicked on it with a completely different mindset and potentially enjoyed it. Also, test video ≠ can only show BM PK duels.

Music taste is obviously pretty subjective, but I’d at least offer a “NSFW” preface to any video that contained a music selection where the f-bombs started dropping at the 7 second mark and continued at regular intervals for another three minutes.

Dude I'm glad you have an opinion about all of this; like I said I'm collecting more footage for another video, and regardless of what anyone says about my musical taste or what I include in the videos that I make I'm still going to do what I want anyway. Sorry to come off as abrasive but usually when I'm provoked by somebody on an online forum when I haven't said anything to personally insult them I am not going to respond with a warm welcome.


Town guarding and BM exchanges? If only you had terrible music to accompany it...Wait. You've thought of everything.

Seriously though, for your next set of vids, I'd cherry-pick the good duels that highlight the character's effectiveness in 1v1 duels where the opponents are geared and ready. Less Shockwave spamming on the bridge, more telestomps/quick shifts/etc for true pwnage.

By the way there are GM duels in the video; maybe you should take a look at those. I included BM in the video tagline for the nk portion so nobody else complains; there is a gm video in the works for the 30th time and the whole purpose of the video is for entertainment only.|||Quote:

Sorry to come off as abrasive but usually when I'm provoked by somebody on an online forum when I haven't said anything to personally insult them I am not going to respond with a warm welcome.

No worries. I have to remember that not everyone gets my humor or what I view to be constructive criticism plus the tone across the internet can be poorly conveyed. (I figured a "seriously though" would have worked to make it somewhat lighthearted in lieu of some lame emoticons, but w/e.)

Hopefully your thread isn't derailed too badly and you can update with some more vids as you make them. I did read the guide and I do want to see how the char does in a more competitive setting, so gg.|||Quote:

No worries. I have to remember that not everyone gets my humor or what I view to be constructive criticism plus the tone across the internet can be poorly conveyed. (I figured a "seriously though" would have worked to make it somewhat lighthearted in lieu of some lame emoticons, but w/e.)

Hopefully your thread isn't derailed too badly and you can update with some more vids as you make them. I did read the guide and I do want to see how the char does in a more competitive setting, so gg.

Yeah that has always been an issue on forums especially and is a reason why people can be so hostile to each other online, no big deal though; I've started introducing some interesting additions to my character in the past two days as well.

Right now I'm working on perfecting a pre-bo build for the video that uses Widowmaker in one hand and a melee or FCR setup in the other for bear switch/shockwave. This setup gives me a an offensive/defensive variation of: two Shape-Shifting options (Were Bear for casters/Shockwave/life; Were Wolf for 350% Attack rating/67% IAS melee setup), two ranged attacks (Guided Arrow/Fissure), two melee attacks (Maul/Fire Claws), high-speed FHR interupt (Shockwave), high-speed defensive maneuverability (Teleport), offensive/defensive buffer (Heart of Wolverine/Oak Sage), and a damage-dealing/damage-tanking Summon Grizzly.

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