Saturday, April 14, 2012

Howabout Obedience of Fury Druid

[:1]I was reading a old topic over here and was thinking on making an Obedience Giant Thresher for my Fury Werewolf on new ladder as a alternative as it a Cheap Runeword. As Im not experienced at shifters...

But on that topic years ago ppl told that is stupid trying to wear merc polearms for Fury and that no WIAS on it so its a bad idea.

Again now I was wondering why ? why it is bad if is a -10 speed base weapon (Tested on Calculator if you have 11 Hardpoints on Werewolf you reach 7FPS Fury!!!

The weapon alone garants you enchant lvl 21 , 40% CB, 40% Fhr, 200-300 Defense bonus, 20-30Resists.|||Because 7 fpa Fury isn't particularly fast. An upped Ribcracker has the potential to do a lot more average damage, but at 5 fpa. An IK Maul is faster too, but lower damage so Obdience and IK maul end up doing around the same physical damage, but with the IK maul you can add a lot of elemental damage by using more IK set pieces.

All there is sort of different about it the 20-30 res, but res can always be covered with a few charms. It's not that it is really bad, but there are options that are just as cheap or even cheaper that are better.|||Thanks for reply, my bad somehow the calculator lies cause the max fpa its show on for fury is 7fpa and I didnt know you could get 5 anyway good tips I would try to get a Ik ou Ribby early on begging of new season.|||Quote:

Thanks for reply, my bad somehow the calculator lies cause the max fpa its show on for fury is 7fpa

It is not lying. If you use a Giant Tresher with no WIAS the max is indeed 7 fpa.|||Obedience has the speed problem, but if you want a very good undderrated weapon then check out reapers' toll. The second or third highest DPS affordable weapon i think(after oath and about same as ribcracker), when i tested them. And solves the survivability problem theat some low gear 2h wolves can have, as well as allowing more offensive gear in other slots

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