Saturday, April 14, 2012

A few PvP Rabies/Fury Questions

[:1]Hello Wolf brethren! I'm pretty much brand new to druids and melee in general. I've been slowly gearing up a Rabies/Fury Wolf on nl, with the plan to make one on ladder eventually. I have a few questions!

- Do a lot of you wolves still hang out in LoD Druid Grove USEast?

- Against smiters, I have a difficult time landing a Rabies attack. When dueling Smiters, I use an Angelic Ring and Ammy, which puts me at 20k ar. I even tried using 2 Angelic Rings but was still struggling to get a Rabies to land. Is my Ar too low or is there a trick to it?

- Kind of a follow-up to the above question, is there a ballpark AR to aim for against Smiters and Barbs?

Thanks!|||whats your level? also do they use exile? if so use doom.

what are your scs?|||Use a range 3 weapon like ebotdz and use 50 frw or more like vk said list your set up 20 k ar is fine unless there 30k def +|||Quote:

Use a range 3 weapon like ebotdz and use 50 frw or more like vk said list your set up 20 k ar is fine unless there 30k def +

I'm level 90 and against smiters I use an Ebotdz. I'm using 20 life/5 resist scs and am short on stash space due to the nature of the build. I could swap those for max/ar/lifers (or frw) but I like the flexibility those scs give me in pub games.|||My eu set up is very simaler I use 20/5 res scs and I have 4 5/5 res frw scs also , but the only time I have serous problems vs smiters is if they Use grief zerker clegs gloves bug belt and flash holy freeze I'm in Druid grove east a bit think it's in between 6-9 pm on eastern time my east wolfs called gothic-wolf same acc aswell give me a shout sometime I'm a lot OCD on wolves love them |||If you struggle against smiters more frw will help you run fast enough before getting smitted to death. But yeah doomz would help but depends on how much ias the smiters have.

As for druid grove channel im not sure. I really dont go there at all. You should check for yourself.

Barbs and pallys yes use angelics because there defense is like wow.|||Greetings fellow wolf!

Against smiters there will allways be difficulties hitting one, unless it's magic or elemental dmg. But don't loose hope

The angelic set is a way, but i for one would go for skills all the way - 2 Bks or Bk + Raven + Highlord. Adds a lot to rabies. It is hard to hit one and if you are lucky to hit then at least the poison dmg should be strong enough to kill or at least fataly lower his life.

You should use a lot of evasive techniques - shortly said just RUN Wolves are the best runners around if used properly

Allways charge Feral rage before going for the smiter. (kill some monsters around to do it) - it greatly increases atk rating/speed and run speed. It's a MUST!

Use Death's web + a 4 sock monarch filled with perf Poison RBFs for Rabies synergy, and on swap go for a weapon with a lot of speed and chance of crushing blow OR a BIG Dmg Weapon. (so a Ribcracker << best wolf weapon in my opinion, or a Botd TM for the best dmg - hits for HUGE amounts of dmg in synergy with wolfs Fury skill, gotta love it).

Also a small help from summons is not to be ignored - poison creeper (for poison dmg) and oak sage (for life) help.

SO: spawn a poison creeper, spawn an Oak Sage, charge up Feral Rage >> Hit with Rabies (swap to death's web and RBFs socketed shield for a second) >> Run around to cripple the poisoned bastard >> Swap and hit with everything you've got, and a wolf has got sharp claws and fangs

(ribcracker or Botd TM).

Hit with a Ribcracker or a fast weapon with a high chance to hit, with Rabies, and when it lands and smiter is poisoned fast fast swap to death's web and poison RBFs shield, then fast swap back >>> run around till poison takes effect then Hit with Fury!

There are some small downsides to this strategy >> no place for Cta and spirit to don't count on a high def/life but rather on speed and dmg.

Other then that all other builds fall like flies if strategy is applied efficiently - it requires some exercise but once you get a hang on it does wonders

One has to learn alot from Kiba as well (at least i know i did ), you can watch his videos around youtube, his the best moving wolf I've seen around.

You can also watch my video at least for fun rather then anything It's a vs monsters vid not a pvp >>

Hope what I wrote its of some help. fellow wolf.

AWOOOOOOOOOOOO!|||Erm dont ever use Botd tm or ribcracker on a pvp wolf and you need to be on walk not run after infection unless there tele smiters if you use 1 bk raven highlords your. Ar won't be much over 12 k if that so hitting a 30 k def smiter will be awfully hard for 2 handers either botd gp or etoomb if poison isn't doing anything go 2 handed max dr (coa ber -req jewel ) 86 fhr angelic raven bait them to charge then shift fury it's risky but can kill smiters if rabies isn't doing anythin|||So what better weapon for pvp..? botd ba + Stromshield? grief ba, death?

I do just well with 2 handed....Ribcracker or botd TM...botd Tm is slow...but Ribcracker is great fastest atk speed there is, on a wolf.|||Quote:

So what better weapon for pvp..? botd ba + Stromshield? grief ba, death?

I do just well with 2 handed....Ribcracker or botd TM...botd Tm is slow...but Ribcracker is great fastest atk speed there is, on a wolf.

Ya in PvP, can go with Ebotdz/SS (I jah'd my SS) or Grief pb/SS (I like Grief but shorter range can be problematic at times so I go with Ebotdz most of the time). I keep a Cta in my stash with a Dweb/20/20 mon on switch. As noted above, an Eth Tomb Reaver is pure sexy when using a 2-hander (Typically used against casters).

As also noted above, definitely have to be careful if you're ever running in PvP, as you lose your max block, which isn't so good against a smiter. Another thing with summons from my experience is, a lot of smiters have lifetap in some form, which allows them to leech off wolves.

I've watched a few of the videos and am pretty solid on the basic strats involved in dueling.

tldr: I know that rabies is unique in that it can kill the target unlike other poisons and it can't be cured. I was basically just checking if Rabies has any other unique mechanics I didn't know about, such as in the nature it's applied. For example, I've been assuming weapon range has no impact on Rabies. For what ever reason, I've had more success using solely Fury against smiters than relying on Rabies and it's simply due to Rabies not hitting them. When I do get a rabies through though, it does a lot of dmg via switch trick.

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