Monday, April 16, 2012

Wind Druid Merc Question

Being I am a softcore HP wind Druid (no block) I do not know what type of merc I should use... so I am split between a Prayer Merc or a Defiance Merc?

I am also split between Tomb Reaver and a Meditate Polearm.... (or should I carry the meditate polearm myself on the switch?.. assuming if i dont trade away he tomb reaver being its 3 sockets)

Oh and for a wind druid who has block, what merc should I use (a hardcore char)|||The usual consensus for a Windy's merc is using Reaper's Toll. I know that is very narrow, but newer players often end up finding out the hard way what this build's nemesis is... namely PIs, and specifically CI/PIs.

I would say these are the 2 main choices (if you want another option in case you can't obtain a Reaper's), a Holy Freeze Act2 wielding a Reaper's Toll, or an Act5 Barb merc wielding Lawbringer.

Either choice will get you the much needed Decrep, although it's also true that if you can find some way to impart Amp Dmg/Decrep on your mobs you could use a full power kit like an Act2 Might Merc with Obediance/Duress/Guillame's or Gaze or Andy's. I just don't have any suggestions off the top of my head on how you would cast that Amp Dmg =)|||Would Twister/Tornado receive bonuses from running a Pride polearm for level 20 Concentration since they deal physical damage?|||Quote:

Would Twister/Tornado receive bonuses from running a Pride polearm for level 20 Concentration since they deal physical damage?


if i will play windy i will use act 5 barb with lawbringer (2 hand eth)|||Quote:

The usual consensus for a Windy's merc is using Reaper's Toll. I know that is very narrow, but newer players often end up finding out the hard way what this build's nemesis is... namely PIs, and specifically CI/PIs.

I would say these are the 2 main choices (if you want another option in case you can't obtain a Reaper's), a Holy Freeze Act2 wielding a Reaper's Toll, or an Act5 Barb merc wielding Lawbringer.

Either choice will get you the much needed Decrep, although it's also true that if you can find some way to impart Amp Dmg/Decrep on your mobs you could use a full power kit like an Act2 Might Merc with Obediance/Duress/Guillame's or Gaze or Andy's. I just don't have any suggestions off the top of my head on how you would cast that Amp Dmg =)

There's a bow(for a1 merc) with 35% ctc when struck to cast amplify damage, which is the best bet if you really want amp but it's pretty suicidal especially since OP is none block :P|||You mean Brand?

If someone wanted to waste a Jah Lo Mal and Gul just to get a chance to cast Amp Dmg, instead of the much cheaper option of Reaper's Toll (could probably easily get one just for the Mal and save the other runes for something better), then I would seriously question their sanity!

Now... if they are on a super budget and just happen to prefer Act1 Rogues, I guess I could see using a cheap Witchwild String for the Amp Dmg, and it also has the benefit of being a nice weapon to UP and has 2 open sockets.

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