Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Untwinked: weapon during normal/early nightmare

What's a good weapon type to play with as a druid in early game. (considering you're going melee, and not caster)

Atm i'm weilding a brutal maul of the leech (with an ith for added damage) but it's losing it's punch a bit. I can't, however, seem to find something that would do more damage.

I just entered A4 and i'm lvl 27. Any ideas?|||Blood Polearms generally pack enough of a punch to carry you through until you find a better melee weapon to your liking.|||You can try the cube recipe any belt, any staff, any kriss, any diamond. It gives a magic polearm of savagery 66-80% enhanced damage with a chance at a second modifier. The nice thing about this cube recipe is it can create exceptional level pole arms, very handy in normal.|||That's what I meant. Man, been awhile since I played this game. Thanks, Liquid .|||I've been trying to get a good one, but no luck so far.

Also, iirc, druids have faster attack speed with a maul, or is that wrong?|||Axes, mauls, staves and polearms are the same speed. Druids are slower with swords and spears though.

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