Wednesday, April 18, 2012

HoW question.

Does Hearth of the Wolverine add to the physical damage of the druids Elemental tree spells?|||No .|||Ok thanks, i'm trying to figure out how to make the less used skills like Molten Boulder and Volcano effective killing skills but everything considering (horrible cool downs, low damage, needing lots of synergies, etc,...) they're quite hopeless skills i guess.|||If you want to to make a Fire Druid just do it. Fire Immunes are somewhat of a pain, but nothing a good merc + your physical spells can't handle. A fire druid is really different from other casters, so that experience alone is worth it IMO.

It also looks very cool. And really, what else are you playing for? |||Fire Huntermentalist.|||They're very cool, Molten Boulder and Volcano are two of the visually most cool spells and i used them before throughout norm and nightmare (where they shine imo). Imagine if we could spam Molten Boulder a bit faster.

Btw, its not so much the fire damage i'm interested in, i wanted to capitalize on the physical damage so that it complements other sources of physical damage (merc with reaper's toll/lawbringer, bear, fury to finish it off if i need to).|||Well a shaman uses 1 pt HoW for boosting up merc's and bear's damage to beat down fire immunes your merc's infinity cant break.|||So... an FC/Summoner is what you're making?|||No, i wanted to build a character around those two skills as they synergise each other, one which could beat Hell P8 relatively easily. Any ideas?|||Twinked or Untwinked? I still suggest Huntermentalist.

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