Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Earth Shifter

found one in hell game, is it viable to build a druid using it? and I got a ravenlore as well, any suggestion on build please?

or just dumb them and go for hoto+spirit...?|||Dumb the earthshifter and go for fire druid with hoto+spirit. Personally waiting for the reset so I can get my hands on faceted sword But fire is more pvp thingy.|||If you're playing on West Ladder/NL, don't dump the earth shifter yet because I've been looking for it to make a fury/armageddon druid .|||With its huge strength requirement, crushing blow, and decent damage, Earthshifter is more oriented for a Fury build. See Liquid_Evil's guide. If you want a fire caster, 'Heart of the Oak' and 'Spirit' for sure.|||Earth shifter is garbage imo. I would go hoto + spirit if you are pvm.

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