I'm remaking one of my barbs from last season into a wolf barb.
I played with the calculator and it looks like I can hit 4fpa feral rage with an shael's azurewraith. true?
So I'm thinking that is a good weapon because I don't want to be bothered having to shapeshift back and use berserk to kill PI's.
I'm thinking wither War Travs or Gore Rider (travs would boost the weak azurewraith from the +damage)
Metalgrid or Highlords?
rare or crafted ring
My perfect Up'd String of Ears
Wolfhowl with double +damage jewel
Dracul's or Loh?
Fortitude or (I have ethy up'd shaft, ethy up'd skulder) or CoH?
Ok main question is shield slot.
Thinking I could care less about blocking or damage reduction, I am thinking of using a spirit monarch (FHR looks useful for wolf +other nice stats). Then I was also thinking a monarch with four double +damage jewels. I've been lucky to find a few rather cool jewels with either double +min damage, or double +max, or +min/max. I think they would work great with a 4 frame azurewraith right?
Charms. Regular +life/max damage? also have some mastery/life.
I have a pride scythe leftover from last ladder, and also an ethereal reaper's toll. Obviously a might merc, but which weapon?
Now don't be telling me to make a real werewolf. I already have one with ethy tombreaver, yada yada yada, and he rules.|||I tried one with fort and my wolf's ribby and it was terrible, possibly because ribby is a little slow for feral rage. You could easily get 750+ ed which might make the damage worthwhile with enough +min/max, but tbh I still think it'll be slow going.
I'd choose highlord's (iirc the wolf form made for good AR) and without a doubt fort. Keeping something on switch with cb while wearing war travs seems like a good idea.|||It should be 5fpa, not 4fpa. At least that's why Titan Seal's/Dragoon's IAS Calcs are showing me.
Any half-assed Wolfbarb usually hits ~8k AR at the very least, so I'd take Highlord's Wrath over Metalgrid. My personal preference for this build would be LoH, since you'll get getting consistent leech from Feral Rage anyways. Take the 'Fortitude' - this build lacks damage. 'Spirit' works. Other shields work too, just don't go max block imho or else you'll get block-locked to death. I'd take damage/life charms in most circumstances if they middle-high rolls, otherwise perhaps the Mastery charm's %ED/%AR/Resistance/Crit would be helpful. Take the Reaper's if you're going 'Fortitude'.|||In dragoon's I entered 1.10 barb werewolf feral rage level 6 werewolf 1h sword base speed 30 weapon ias 50 and it said 4fpa.
I just finished it last night (except still need good offensive shield). I appear to be swinging 4fpa, but it's hard to tell. I do notice I get the invisibilty glitch sometimes.
I decided to use 2x rare rings I had. They both have massive attack rate, dex and str. My swings aren't really slowed much by cold or decrepify, but some if I get hit by both at same time.
I put eth bugged duress, guillame's, and pride on merc for now. it's my only source of crushing blow. I'm killing fast enough, obviously not fury etombreaver speed, but easily as fast as my magic finder frenzier.
Edit: looking at the ingame.de diablo2 swing speed calculator. It says 5fps. Dragoon says 4fps. I wonder which is more accurate.|||You could also have a "shield-weapon", like the silence runeword or similar, since when using feral rage, you only use your main hand. You could also have a doom in your offhand, so you slow down everything around you.
You could also try a phoenix shield.
If the str req isn't too much, steelrends would be a good pair of gloves.
Why would you want LoH? Ias is useless. There are better things than some vs demon ed.|||unfortunatelly there is not correct speed calculator for wolfbarbs. you must put normal attack to get correct values
also for physical imunes you can just use merc with reapers or lawbringer|||Quote:
You could also have a "shield-weapon", like the silence runeword or similar, since when using feral rage, you only use your main hand. You could also have a doom in your offhand, so you slow down everything around you.
You could also try a phoenix shield.
If the str req isn't too much, steelrends would be a good pair of gloves.
Why would you want LoH? Ias is useless. There are better things than some vs demon ed.
I totally agree with everything you just said. As a matter of fact I was just looking at doom and phoenix shield.
I just ruled out phoenix shield tho. 40% ctc firestom gonna bork up my 4 frame attack. It would have added at least like 400 physical to each attack tho, which is a lot for this build.
holding a doom I would pick up an extra hundred or so cold damage, slow radius and +2 skill (helps werewolf skills).
looked at hoj and dragon. pitiful fire damage so, no. not much better with dream. About same as if I held a tiamat...
beast looks kinda good, or last wish.
I could hold a spirit sword so that I won't block. my resists already beyond maximum anyways. 86% for 3 frame hit recovery would be easy with spirit (look out trapsins)
So Doom looks promising, but also thinking about a +120 max damage jewel shield if I could ever get the jewels.
I am looking to change gloves. Is the 20% ias totally wasted if I get chilled or decrep'd? I have ~150str so maybe not steelrends, but instead some nice blood gloves, or bloodfist! I was even thinking hellmouth for a slight more fire damage and the 15 fire absorb (useful vs most pvm fire). IK or Mav's gloves could potentially save me some str/dex -> more life.
I changed my belt to Thundergods. I just didn't feel the need for more life leech or damage reduction.
I pumped 20 points into increased speed skill. Now I'm so fast when that feral rage ball charges up!
I played with a few real shapeshift druids today that let me follow the pack. (they wouldn't actually let me in the pack once they saw I was a mutant)

unfortunatelly there is not correct speed calculator for wolfbarbs. you must put normal attack to get correct values
also for physical imunes you can just use merc with reapers or lawbringer
Just watched your video. When I stand there and shift attack, it's not nearly as fast as if I am attacking a monster. I'm thinking it is a 5 frame attack judging from eye, but the animation is quite screwy so I can't rule out 4 frame. Do you know?|||Since you're replacing gores with travs though, I really think steelrends would give some power vs bosses, as well as increase your leech by adding damage. They're also the gloves with the most armor in the game, which gets multiplied with your maxed iron skin. All you get from blood gloves is crushing blow and some +life, which is meh.
Bloodfists are good too though.
By the way, why no ravenfrost?|||Quote:
Since you're replacing gores with travs though, I really think steelrends would give some power vs bosses, as well as increase your leech by adding damage. They're also the gloves with the most armor in the game, which gets multiplied with your maxed iron skin. All you get from blood gloves is crushing blow and some +life, which is meh.
Bloodfists are good too though.
By the way, why no ravenfrost?
I'll try some rends if I can get my hands on some. Right now I don't have those. I'm about to try some bloodfists. That 30% fhr is an easy way to hit my 86%.
I have a ravenfrost in stash. I just noticed that my swing speed doesn't really get slowed down by getting chilled, so I left on my other 20str/20dex/AR ring.
Not too worried about my lack of cb versus bosses since my merc has 50% from eth bugged duress +guillame's.
I just found a rather nice blood belt on a mule that I'm going to try too

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