Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Jewel options

Hi just wondering what jewels everyones got in there helm and shield my shield has 9 dex 15 all res now instead of thul hehe hate blizz sorcs .

My jalals has a 27 ed 9 dex 7 fhr rare jewel . What's in yours guys I need some more ideas I'd like a jewel with 20 life and fhr . Forgot to say it's for a fury rabies hybrid |||my jalals have 7fhr/9 dex/9 str/9@

storm have 9 dex/15 @

my frw circlet have same jewel:

i can swap jalals with it, without loosing block or to have to compensate str from jalals|||Holy crap haven't seen that circlet that's one real nice circlet mate nice jewels to . What would be better another 9 in vita or 27 ed mate in your oppinion ?|||Just a thought here can you get 9 str 9 dex 100 ar jewels ^^|||with maximum damage set up (tomb, forty, higlords, gores) in my case difference in average pvp damage with extra 27 ed will be 42 dmg. these can be further halfed with % dr.

9 vita x 1.5 life = 13.5 x 4.85 (bo+oak+shape) = 65 life. this gain can be even greater with prebuff (eni+3 shape amu...)

so math said it all

dunno about this type of jewels...|||Tnx vk c ya soon mate|||Tnx vk still got perfect upped jalals from last ladder so I need a nice jewel for it didn't know what to trade for |||ed%, 7% fhr, etc. jewel seems like a good option but depends on how much fhr you have.|||Jalals is now socketed with 7 fhr 9 dex 9 str 21 light res

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