Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ele fire pvm build

Hey there, first of all im new here, so hey to you all

Now, i was planning to make an ele fire druid, but i havent really been able to find any good guides, so i made my own setup, and would love to hear you guys' input on weather it would be any good in hell. So, give me whatever gear suggestions and such you got planning on going pve solely.


Ravenlore with a 5/5 facet.


Enigma mage plate


Hoto flail/spirit dragon shield








Sandstorm trek


possibly a cta if i can get my hands on one.

I'll have enough fcr to reach the 99% bp without having to worry about getting a high spirit.

With perf resistances on hoto/ravenlore/maras ill be 22 fire res short of 75 in all, which will be made up for with charms (taking the anni and torch i got into account).

I'll be at 75% fhr, so ill be getting 24 fhr from charms to reach the 99% bp.

Skill build:

20 firestorm

20 molten boulder

20 fissure

20 vulcano

20 armageddon

1 prereqs

1 oak sage

Stat build:

Str: none, between torch, anni, sandstorm, maras and enigma, i should be able to reach the 113 needed for ravenlore.

dex: none, only needed for the hoto flail, and ill be getting more than enough from anni/torch

vit: everything

ene: none


Any infinity pole, on an act 2 holy freeze guy. Dont know about the rest yet.


Between my merc and my faceted ravenlore ill be reducing enemies fire res by 110%, which should be enough for most immunes.

So, a few things im not sure about, how much do i really need to put in oak sage? i only placed 1 point because of the heavy +skills ill be getting, but is that enough for it to survive? And, how does -enemy fireres% work when its on the merc? Am thinking i might give him some facets as well.

Also, how does facets compare to +skills? for example would a faceted lidless be better than spirit?

Thanks for any help you can give me |||You'll need to make Spirit in a monarch, not a dragon shield, so plan for 156 str after all gear.

I would be worried about how you're using a fire-only build against pvm. Infinity is great, but fire immunes aren't as easy to break as light immunes; you'll still run into a lot of critters that you can't burn. I recommend you put some points into summoning.

-EFR on your merc only decreases enemies' fire resistance for your merc.|||Oh i see, didnt even bother to check dragon shields max sockets, my bad, assumed it was 4 >_<

and about the summons, which would be best to use? and how many points would you recommend? getting +16 to all with that gear, so would one point in spirit+dire wolf be enough?|||I'm going to warn you. In the later acts there will be plenty of Fire Immunes you won't be able to break. The ravenlore and facets don't help with breaking immunes.|||Fire Huntermentalist.|||Ok, if you didn't know, Volcano and Molten Boulder have PHYSICAL damage as well as fire. So, even untwinked it's a viable build. I do congratulate you on taking the not so traveled path of the fire druid. I've been there and have one actually... lv 8x if I remember. Just keep careful of the FI's... they can take a bit sometimes.

I say, just 1 pt to dire/spirit/Grizzly. Use grizzly as a Necro would Gumby.|||Cano and MB are lackluster choices to FI solutions. Cano has 4 sec cooldown and can only effectively damage one enemy and MB is bad versus anything "big". I'd rather spend those points into summons for physical DPS.|||True, true, but it's possible to ONLY use fire skills.|||You indeed could. I prefer having minions though |||A dragon shield can only have up to 3 sockets. Monarch is the lowest str req shield you can make spirit out of. Except for pally shield of course. Way lower str req shields that can be 4os but thats only for pally.

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