Thursday, April 12, 2012

Recent Buriza Fury Experience?

[:1]I just restarted after a couple of years since my last set of characters, and decided to have a go with a druid for the first time. After working through nightmare with a summoner/bear build, I happened upon a Buriza, and respec'd to fury with an emphasis on dex.

I did trade for a jalal's, and had made a duress when I found an Um. Rest of the gear is crappy rares for the most part.

if nothing else, having a ton of fun finishing up leveling to 75 or 76 on baal - way more effective in nightmare and a few quick test runs in hell than the prior build given the poor weapon i had.

but is it realistic to think i can slog my way through hell with this? Or not so much?|||I dunno, I think you sort of answered your question. It's like WoF traps for Sin, just dominate through NM then... not so much, after that. lol

Buriza used to be pretty clutch choice for 1.09 FC Bear builds, but you're not gonna get very far as a wolf. If I remember it gives that cold damage, but it lacks considerably combared to up'd Ribcracker and other options in avg damage output and more importantly crushing blow. Only saving grace is it increases per lvl. Monsters get real tough in 4-8 player games, and that crushing blow goes a long ways. Without it it starts to feel like you're just chipping away at them after A2 Hell =)|||ah well, at least I'm having fun. I just traded for a druid torch (thanks loco!), and upgraded my merc gear with drops tonight, both of which seem to be helping a bunch. we'll see how things go after i get farther into act 1 hell.

if anyone else has given the build a shot in the last couple of patches - pointers are welcomed!|||Well, let me just say that I always thought the buriza as a fury druid's weapon was more unique then anything else, but it is a very cheap and effective alternative considering the damage output that it provides. If you are still having trouble you could always upgrade the buriza to the elite version, this would increase the damage output, although it would increase the requirements as well so its a decision to be made. I remember seeing a druid build on this forum that had an upd one and he called it a cannon. Also crushing blow is of course important so you could at least get a pair of gore riders to help out, even if its only slightly.

P.S. I enjoy my wake of fire sin, even in hell mode where I don't do any damage |||Did the first part of Act 2 without an issue, but as was predicted Arcane Sanctuary is proving to be a pain. With so many mana draining and physically immune wraiths everywhere, combined with tight walking quarters - I'm struggling.

Running Hell Andy to level in the meantime while I figure out what to do. Should be 80 shortly. May create a public game and see if I can get others to help.

Any other recommendations? A weapon I could use on switch, given my low str, high dex build? Or something in another slot that I could trade for cheaply?

Current gear: Torch, Jalal's w/ptopaz, Buriza w/shael, Duress, up'd goldwrap, treks/aldur's boots, mf rings (cathan's is the only other decent thing I've found), +1 druid amulet (unlucky on gambling so far). Mosher's with 2 pdiamond and plague bearer on switch, although I pretty much never use them.

Still enjoying the build - just wish I had an alt. plan for the phys. immune, undead, mana drainers.

- spotwood|||Quote:

Any other recommendations?

Drop the Buriza, respec and get 4 part IK. |||Ik Maul, Boots, Belt Gloves with Duress = very good build. Any Mara ammy and a Raven. But I think you may be better off with IK armor and putting Duress on Merc. You would rock with this setup. --- Over twice the damage, more resists, and better with immunes. No shield but a Griz blocker|||Thanks for the advice. Sounds like I should try and get an IK 4 piece together.

Unfortunately, haven't found any of that set to date, so will have to trade for all 4. That doable with crafting currency only? Best rune I've found and still have is Fal, plus pgems, junk jewels, rals, etc.

I've made 81 via Andy, and will get 82 eventually. After that, will give Arcane Sanctuary another go. I did pick up a fleshrender and sigons shield on switch for summons and my WW. Made a noticable difference, although guessing it won't really help much with my issues with the the wraiths.

Note - on East Ladder softcore, if that matters.

- spotwood|||Quote:

Thanks for the advice. Sounds like I should try and get an IK 4 piece together.

Unfortunately, haven't found any of that set to date, so will have to trade for all 4. That doable with crafting currency only?

IK pieces shouldn't be more than a few pgems each, except for the armor.|||Thought I would give an update...

Took the advice of others, and re-spec'd, switching out the buriza for an IK maul, boots, belt, gloves combo. Made a huge difference - sliced right through arcane sanctuary, the rest of act 2, act 3, and act 4. And in the processes, dclone popped in my game, and I took him down (first time ever) without breaking a sweat. Nice night!

Thanks to everyone for the advice. I'm still on the lookout for an IK armor and decent rings, but the low def duress I've had since nightmare seems to be doing the trick. Barring surprises, seems like I'll get through hell with this guy.

- spotwood

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