Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Hurricane Druid :)

[:1]So i have decided to build a Hurricane druid hes level 78 at the moment, i dont really know how to stat or spend skill points on him and the right equipment , the current equipment i have is

Delrium Falcon Mask

Mara 27

Hoto 34


Tiamat's Rebuke




Wraith Chain Vamperic Belt (Crafted)

Eth Sandstorms

Anni and Torch

if you have any change on gear please tell me

i appreciate the help that will be given |||I like Delirium, but I'd much rather equip it on the merc; the ctc delirium gets annoying when you're in the middle of a fight and you suddenly can't cast spells. Ravenlore, Spirit Keeper, Jalal's Mane, Harlequin Crest, or a pelt with +hurricane/tornado work great. I like using a pelt with +grizzly bear, so I don't have to go down the summon tree.

There are a few guides too.|||Jalals is actually a good bet with the resists and fhr - PRuby, or Shael. Ravenlore or Shako work good.

Shield - get a better one - Tiamats doesn't work well for a caster. But if you need the resists keep it until you find something that blocks faster. Spirit Monarch is good for skills/fcr or Um'd Stormshield is good for DR/Faster block/resists are the 2 best I can think of. But in a pinch - Mossers with 2 Pdiamonds boosts resists and Rhyme (shael eth) in a grim shield or better works.

Skills - Max out everything that goes with Hurricane while leaving 3 points in Griz for a meat shield but - put points in Griz last - you should be able to get him to level 10+ so he has some damage by level 87. He should be level 18- 22 with + skill equipment and charms. Griz doesn't die that often and you will have more time to cast tornadoes and hurricane which is your offense. Just keep one point in oak and resign yourself to the fact that it will die often and when you need it the most. Ravens with one point will always do the trick for blocking missiles. Below is the setup I have and it works great.

� 20 Cyclone Armor

� 20 Twister

. 20 Tornado

� 20 Hurricane

�1 Raven

�1 Oak Sage

�1 Spirit Wolves

�1 Dire Wolves

�10 Summon Grizzly

FCR - Make sure you have at least the 68 breakpoint to be effective. 99 is better but not necessary in PVM. Hoto and Trang are your current sources of fcr.

46 - 13

68 - 12

99 - 11

An Elemental charm or 2 will be all you need for PVM. If you find a summon GC keep it but you won't need more than one. Life/FHR charms are great for this build. Stash items - any ravenfrost, any tgod.|||Thanks alot for the Help

Orion i have everything equipped and yet to spend a 1 stat point, (inc Bug Str)

what should i spend my stat points on ?|||If you have everything else covered - Vitality will help the most.

Have you tried your Windy out? He should deal more damage and have good defense then. Good luck - you have a solid Windy.|||I would not ever build a pure hurricane druid just go with a basic windy build. If you did want to go mainly for hurricane you would have to use 30/30 crystal sword, nightwings 20/5, and 20/20 monarch for a more effective hurri but I would not bother doing that at all.|||Windy is actually the term he was looking for. A windy with average gear can get thru the game standing. He's got some pretty good stuff.

Tornado's are the main offense - Hurricane just slows up monsters so you can kill with nados.

Strategy - Tornado's on the left mouse button, Hurricane on the right. Go into a battle with Ravens and Oak up and Griz leading the way. Put up Hurr and tele in with Nado's firing.

He didn't ask about the merc but any A2 Merc with a Reapers Toll will do. Cold merc would be redundant with Hurr but Might would give Griz more Dmg.|||so could u give me a full item list for a mercenary? |||Merc:

Fortitude if you have one. Shaftstop if you don't

Vamp Gaze with Fort, or any leech or resist helm with Shaft - Rockstopper would even be good with Fort, Blackhorn's face would get you thru any lightning attacks and combined with a shaft makes your merc the engergizer bunny!

It's the Decrepify on the Reaper that makes the Merc a big asset with Hurr/Nados. The deadly strike and ignore target defense kill monsters with decrepify. It gets you past any immunes in hell diff. With decrepify on - your grizzly will kill twice as fast. The 11-15 Life Leech keeps him alive. Heck you could have a Rockstopper helm and a Gladiators Bane - and the merc would rock with any reaper!

The Reapers Toll

Two-Hand Damage: (34-40) To (408-479) (221-259.5 Avg)

Required Level: 75

Required Strength: 114

Required Dexterity: 89

Durability: 65

Base Weapon Speed: [-10]

+190-240% Enhanced Damage (varies)

Ignore Target's Defense

Adds 4-44 Cold Damage, Duration 0-2 Sec.

11-15% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies)

33% Deadly Strike

33% Chance To Cast Level 1 Decrepify On Striking

Requirements -25%

(Ladder Only)

(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)|||Are u killing Bosses easy with this setup?

Last Ladder I had one myself with about +12 skills, but WSK was hard compared to other chars I had and bosses took long.

Am going to try to add:

5 points shape shifting: Lycanthropy till Fury and lets say an upped Ribcracker on the switch for the bosses.

What would the Pro's say to that?

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