Monday, April 16, 2012

Firecracker Bear

Firecracker Bear

The Firecracker is made to have it all. That’s what a Bear wants. We are big and hungry and want to make monsters pay for crossing us. We want to solo hell and have fun doing it. This Bear has more than just fire damage to get the job done and done right! This short Build Guide is for Shapeshifters who want a new experience that is solid in PVM.

Level 89 Build for PvM (98 Skill Points) with all Radiment and Izual quests done.

Approximately 2700-2800 fire damage without charms or equipment. Infinity on Merc boosts the fire damage way up!

Note: This Short Guide has been updated to reflect what is the end result; The best build. This should help others who use it.

With Torch, Anni, COH, Jalals, Highlord's, 4 Shapeshift GC’s (13 additional Skill Points to summons/Ele and 15 to Shapeshifting) *This makes every skill 7 or above = level 20 skills without prebuff +'s* Makes it solid to go into battle with level 20 to 35 skills in everything you are using! The skills do make a stronger build.

WB Shapeshift Tree

+11 Lycanthropy

+1 WW

+1 FR

+4 WB

+1 Maul

+20 Fireclaw

+1 Shockwave

= 39 points

Summon Tree

+1 Raven

+1 Oak Sage - use it

+1 Summon Spirit Wolf

+1 Summon Dire Wolf

+ 2 Summon Grizzly – Main Summon

= 6 pts

Elemental Skills

1 MB

12 FS

20 Fis

20 Vol

= 53 pts

98 pts total/ lvl 84-88 build

*Skills - had 6 to work with (My Firecracker is level 92 and have all Dens done - used token) - put one in DW, one in WB, and 4 more in fire synergies, and remaining stat points in Vit. Only had a little time to play yesterday and stomped Baal faster with this setup. Griz died once -it was a quick recast. I might tweek skill charms (SS's/7 FR/W, 31lifer, 28lifer) - need 1 more SS's to pump up skills. He's got a Firecracker swing with plenty of CB. I had to put CTA/Sigon on switch to pump up life/summon/SS.


Helm - Jalal’s Mane +2 to Druid skills and +2 to Shapeshift (SS) skills, 30% Faster Hit Recovery (FHR), 20% bonus to Attack Rating (AR), 30 to all resistances, +20 strength and +20 energy. Really it’s the best and only option for this build. * My Jalals has a 15ias/36ed jewel in it*

Rings – Ravenfrost X2 + Amulet – Highlords for Deadly Strike, speed and lite res.

Belt – *15/11/33 Dungo for DR/Life

Gloves – Venom Grips (see below) I needed poison resist.

Shield - Went 2 handed - with ribby

Armor - COH or Enigma -if you have enough resists elsewhere. Naj’s Plate (cheaper) but no DR or Life Leech.

Boots – IK boots for speed, AR, life

Weapon - Shael'd Up'd Ribcracker


1. skill charms (SS's/7 FR/W, 31lifer, 28lifer) need another

2. Anni 16/18, Torch 14/20

3. Others: I put 3 x 100psn/3FRW and have 4 life sc's, and a Life/AR/MaxDmg GC and I keep 2 x 5% fhr in stash if I need them to take off dungo and put on Tgod. Plus some misc charms.

Stash Items – Carrion Wind Ring, Tgod Belt and/or Wisp Ring, Dwarf Star Ring. Needed for killing bosses and uniques. *Just a Tgod and Dwarf Star are really needed*

Switch Gear - I have used a CTA/Sigon for prebuff

Venom Grip Demonhide Gloves

Defense: 97-118 (varies)(Base Defense: 28-35)

Required Level: 29

Required Strength: 20

Durability: 12

+130-160% Enhanced Defense (varies)

+15-25 Defense (varies)

5% Chance of Crushing Blow

+60 Poison Damage Over 4 Seconds

5% Life Stolen Per Hit

5% To Maximum Poison Resist

Poison Resist +30%

* I needed the psn resist and CB, LL, didn't hurt - filled the gaps.

Ribcracker- Shael'd and Up'd

Base Weapon Speed: [0]

+200-300% Enhanced Damage (varies)

Adds 30-65 Damage

+50% Damage To Undead

50% Chance Of Crushing Blow

50% Increased Attack Speed = 70 with Shael

50% Faster Hit Recovery

+100% Enhanced Defense

+100 Defense

+15 To Dexterity

(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)

Build Summary /Equipment Basics – i.e.… what you need to be effective

86 FHR - with Jalals, Dungo and Ribcracker- it’s easy. 90FHR from Equip. 54 will do.

4500- 6500+ life bubble with equipment and charms and BO

50-60% Faster Run/Walk from Boots + charms– Better to be fast and be mobile

DR - 23% but he plows thru bosses. I didn't see an issue with his performance but I usually have more DR.

AR – Raven x 2, Jalal boost, WB boost, and some good charms to add life/ar/frw, fhr

CB - 55% - takes down bosses fast

Infinity on Merc gives -85 to monster resists pumping up the fire damage.

Result: 5K life, *86 FHR, 14K+ damage, 70-75 Resists with Lite Zorb in stash, 6 Frame Attack with Oias, 55CB, enough DS to increase damage.

Merc: Act 2 cold, or Act 2 Defensive Auras. Use an Infinity, Fort, Gaze. Infinity is most important of the equip.

---- The firecracker is for more experienced Shapeshifters to try something new and balance a Bears arsenal. It does have a different feel than the traditional fireclaw or shock summoner.

Best Pracitce: Shockwave once or twice, then - Always let the Merc and Griz lead. The Griz will go in with him to keep your Merc alive. When you go in you will have stunned monsters with plenty of time to keep swingin and killin. You have an Oak Sage - don’t bother recasting it after the first time it dies because you’ll miss about 5 swings or get hit yourself doing that. Any breaks – get that Oak Sage up.

With a Merc and a Griz you have time to Shockwave in the midst of a battle - do it!

This is a Solid Build. Very versatile, having a Strong Offensive Attack (Fire, some Cold, Physical, 55 CB and about 30 Deadly strike) , and Solid Defens. Enjoy it – Firecracker is a Killer. |||to me it looks like bear with weak fireclaws, weak physical damage, weak bear and low life...

btw decripify will not help you much since your physical part of the damage is very low. you will get much more with infinity on merc

also decrepify will be overided with life tap from draculs and vice versa

you practically have no source of crushing blow on him (except option gores) which is esential for pvm imo

jack of all trades, master of nothing ^^

if i will ever made hybrid pvm bear it will be with armagedon...|||So, from what I'm seeing, this is a FC based Kodiak style Bear?

A few notes:

I don't necessarily agree with your Fire Tree distribution. FS is mediocre at best and the points are better spent into Fissure for those times when entering the fray is suicide (or you're retreating and need to cover your flank).

MB is an alright skill but can be kept at 1 point with the rest going into Volcano, giving you a stronger Fissure when you need AoE more than single target DPS.

I hate SS for PvM Bears. You get DR but you also get crazy block locked if you get swarmed. For a build like this that relies on effectively never having an enemy you can't kill I'd go Tiamut's Rebuke for the extra varied elemental damage.

That's what I see immediately with regards to the build. I'm at school so I'll look at the guide more thoroughly when I get the chance.|||Verash, The Elemental Skills are only synergies of FC. I have never used them individually.

Vknez, At the beginning, it is stated that a skill build isn't weak in SS, Ele, or Summoning, the skills used are in the 25-36 range. The Firecracker has the skills to pull it off. Yes, this was built having fire, magic cold, and physical damage in that order. That was the intent. Decrepify helps out alot btw, and reaper stays. Physical damage is no longer last due to Reaper. I'm not surprised at your comment because you don't have a Bear. In fact your not a Druid. Besides picking apart others builds you've only said that you have a wolf barb or something. Not offering much but quick to criticize. Grows old like that pic of your boyfriend. He broke up with you last year - FYI - Get Over It!

This is a Bear that I've had for about 5 years. It started out as a cookie cutter Amagedon Bear. Didn't like it and with respec I made it just a Fireclaw. That grew old and it became a Firecracker. I like it better than the first two and I've been playing it for about 6 months.

I've got too much stuff and have switched out equipment on this Bear twice. I have a Shael'd Tiamat's. That does work good on it and you have to use a Dungo with it. But I've liked Storm better on it. I even threw a Black Oak Luna on it which I like 2nd best to the Storm. But if I do switch out the shield I am thinking about the Black Oak Luna w/ 50 FBR. I have to socket it and I'll see what fits best. The 50 FBR with a Bear's lacking block rate seems to point to it. The shield practically eliminates the need for Dex by providing around 50 Dex on its own.

Yes, this is my fun build and I mess around with it alot. This Bear is damn good the way it sits. I don't think that anyone who's commented on it even has something remotely similar. The Firecracker takes skill to play and it's not made to be easy. I have put a crafted 8CB Blood Glove and Belt in my stash but haven't used them yet. They might be better or might wind up on another char - not really needed on this one. Venoms only have 5CB and I wear them the most on this guy. In .08 I had a Mauler with a shael'd B-star, Shaftstop, Shako, Cats Eye, C-grip, raven, lava gauts, Tgod and a Tiamat's. I put 15ias/? in helm, shield, shaft, for speed. did cows with shockwave and maul - now that's not a cookie cutter but a great Bear. I've had a Hammerdin for 6 years and anymore I just play him once a month. I've never played him alot. Boring because of the easy factor. But then again, I only play about 2 or 3 hours a week and check this forum beforehand. Face it - it's an old game, but a cool one, but it's about killin time playin not a forum for pickin at folks. I honestly don't care about anybody's build ideas unless it looks like fun or by some odd chance, I haven't tried it.

Over time, I have made all the cookie cutter builds. Yes they are more effective, better to kill bosses with, better PVP ect...

SW Mauler, Rabies/Fury, Fury, Ribcracker Fury and yep there is a best way to make them and it has been explained on this forum ad infitum. The fact is that playing this game for so long I can run through the game with my chars.

I mostly play my SW Mauler, SpeedWolf which is a cool Fury, EBOTDZ, Nigma, Highlord, Guilimane, SS, Treks, Variant, and this Firecracker. My Mauler is a tougher Bear but this one is just too much fun to stop playing sometimes. With comments like these it's probably time for Diablo 3.|||Quote:

Vknez, At the beginning, it is stated that a skill build isn't weak in SS, Ele, or Summoning. The Firecracker has the skills to pull it off. Yes, this was built having fire, magic cold, and physical damage in that order. That was the intent. Decrepify helps out alot btw, and reaper stays. I'm not surprised at your comment because you don't have a Bear. In fact your not a Druid. Besides picking apart others builds you've only said that you have a wolf barb or something. Not offering much but quick to criticize. Grows old like that pic of your boyfriend. He broke up with you last year - FYI - Get Over It!

sry but i posted only facts...

i have made calculations with your gear/skill set up and come up with those numbers:

fire claws dmg: 7,8 k - 8,5 k at 6 fpa (standard fc is on around 15 k at 4 fpa)

physical dmg: around 900 (dont know all your charms and ed % on azure)

grizzly dmg: 945-1039

cold dmg : 280-590 (azure+2*raven)

magic dmg: 250-500

so your major damage comes from elemental (fire/cold),and thats why i recomended infinity, which will boost this normaly 85 %, while decripify will boost 50 % physical dmg (all asuming 0 resists on monsters). imo even highlords with deadly will enhance physical dmg more (and will solve ias problem)

at the moment i have fully equiped:

lvl 96 fury/rabies

lvl 93 wolfbarb

lvl 90 bear zon

lvl 90 bear sin

lvl 89 pala bear

all chars are equiped for pvp and have above average /perfect equipment

made before: sorc bear, 2 fire claws, maul/summoner

so i guess i m lacking knowledge on shapers...

i dont see your reason to rage...

imo your build is to much spread on various skills. i think it is better to focus on 2 skills (e.g fc and grizzly or fc and wb/maul)

verashiden pointed out that spreading 44 points on 4 skills is pointless when you can have maxed 2 of the sinergies and have back up skill for dangerous situations, without loosing dmg on fc|||Vk, this is my point exactly. I made it knowing I was spreading out the skills because I never did that before and it works fine. I don't have to mess with FI's. That is what it was made for. Honestly, I kinda just wanted to use my Azurewrath and this was the best fit - a skill build. It's my extra char on my account. I'm just surprised that it turned out to be such a stand up Bear. This build does what it's supposed to. I'm just happy as hell to have had a token to do that. As far as the elemental skills - I've never been out of Bear Form since I made this guy. So it's not even a consideration to unshift and start rolling molten boulders or casting volcano's. The damage calculated I already new and it is actually more than I anticipated when I thought about making this Bear so I made out. The physical is higher for me, Griz, and Merc so X3 for Reaper. Charms - 3 life sc's, 4 100 psn/3 FRW, 2 GC's with Life/AR/Max Dmg, and one small AR/Life/Max Dmg. I had good stuff to put on this char.

But today, I'm down with Bronchitis, have a sinus headache and am screwing around with this, after watching Inception. Doctor visit was first on the list today. Getting sick might have been due to riding my 2007 Honda VTX1800R last week when I should have been riding my truck. It's winter here and if you knew what I drove in -you'd understand. I have had over a dozen calls from my staff as I own a business and can't take my bluetooth outa my ear until 6pm.

There is the way it should be and the way it is, and the truth is always somewhere in the middle. Life sucks today, but with anti - biotics, it's lookin up. As far as rage! I'm just kidding you. Except for the part about you never putting any of your builds on the forum. I wasn't kidding about that.|||Quote:

Except for the part about you never putting any of your builds on the forum. I wasn't kidding about that.

first 2 have links in respective forums|||Not readily available. The Char Builds in strategy forum haven't been updated in about 4 years. It looks like there's about 100 builds not on the list. Should be updated but everyone knows that who is on this forum. And yes, 85% elemental is better than 150% physical (player, merc, and Griz) oh wait that was wrong on your part. But what the heck - you got to criticize so it's ok. And yep, I was thinking of unshifting and rolling boulders and casting volcanoes that was a good comment too. The build has no switching of gear except for the Tgods I've worn for lite zorb. The build is made to have more than just fire damage - so mission accomplished. Everything on the Bear is what I had on other chars. No trading, no magic finding. The Bear doesn't die and has gone through all act bosses. So its a good idea that works for me. Glad you didn't waste my time.

So yeah keep up the smart alec comments - I see your point. Shouldn't matter one bit if they like it and it works for them. I agree that people should not share builds that they like regardless of the characters ability to beat hell baal. They should be better than that. They should realize that pacifying critics is more important than the game or their efforts. They should have perfect equipment and a perfect build to post. You got that right. In fact you should be ranking on anybody that posts in this forum. Because your you.

Anyone who posts and you don't like their build - just rank on them. Keep it up VK.|||Quote:

Not readily available. The Char Builds in strategy forum haven't been updated in about 4 years. It looks like there's about 100 builds not on the list. Should be updated but everyone knows that who is on this forum. And yes, 85% elemental is better than 150% physical (player, merc, and Griz) oh wait that was wrong on your part. But what the heck - you got to criticize so it's ok. And yep, I was thinking of unshifting and rolling boulders and casting volcanoes that was a good comment too. The build has no switching of gear except for the Tgods I've worn for lite zorb. The build is made to have more than just fire damage - so mission accomplished. Everything on the Bear is what I had on other chars. No trading, no magic finding. The Bear doesn't die and has gone through all act bosses. So its a good idea that works for me. Glad you didn't waste my time.

So yeah keep up the smart alec comments - I see your point. Shouldn't matter one bit if they like it and it works for them. I agree that people should not share builds that they like regardless of the characters ability to beat hell baal. They should be better than that. They should realize that pacifying critics is more important than the game or their efforts. They should have perfect equipment and a perfect build to post. You got that right. In fact you should be ranking on anybody that posts in this forum. Because your you.

Anyone who posts and you don't like their build - just rank on them. Keep it up VK.

if you cant accept critics or opinions dont post. its simple

infinity can boost your elemental dmg from around 9 k to 16 k dmg

decripify increases dmg by 50 % not 150 % (assuming 0 % dr). its the fact,and its opinion or proposal on variant, and you rage on this...

read again my posts and your answers. its like you are talking with someone else...

btw lots of crap build can go through all hell bosses...even naked...

i wasnt mentioning rolling boulders and casting volcanos

i wasnt mentioning you should make perfect char with perfect gear|||Quote:

Firecracker is a Killer.

1. I thought for sure a bear named "Firecracker" would have a Rib-cracker...

2. You spent 6 + 10 extra skill points in Grizzly and Lycan. If you shave 4 points out of synergy you can now max Oak Sage to boost the life of Grizz, you and your mercenary.

3. I have no problems with Reaper's Toll over Infinity. Fire Claws beats down on non-FI monsters all day long. Adding Infinity to Fire Claws winning more, while not dealing enough alternative damage isn't winning at all.

4. Too bad about the rlvl on Azurewrath. It's a good blade, but they didn't need to set the requirements quite so high...

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